The complexity of life

I always think a slightly easier life is just around the corner, it seems like part of getting older is that it never happens. It's like society encourages us to push for something that is always out of reach.

We learn something new with every step we take which puts the life we wanted into a new light. We will never reach it as we discover new things, or as life throws us curve balls, or as we just mature and realise that the life we want is not what others have expressed.

Life adds to complexity, and our experiences hopefully enable us to cope better. We build more resilience. Create better boundaries. And ultimately, every day we can learn to look at our lives and how to design it better.

We will always look back at our past selves and reflect how life was so good or simple. If only we knew what we now know. This shows that life is a continuous journey of added complexity that we learn to cope and thrive with.

The reality, which I'm still not very good at, is learning to live, create with and appreciate what we have today, not what we hope to have in the future.