On feeling good about my work
I'm feeling in a really good place about my community work.
It has nothing to do with the number of subscribers. Or how much money I'm (not) making from it. It's more a sense of creative output.
I've never had such ease and flow with creating. It all feels easy and enjoyable. The ideas are never-ending. A week ago, I created a talk in the space of an evening, yes deadlines help, hello ADHD, but I did this one with a sense of calm too! My other 'day job' is so fun and such a source of ideas for my creations and writing.
In a weird kind of way, that also makes sense to who I am, the creation part of what I do has helped me come out of a dark place. It regulates me. It brings me joy. The hours pass in what feels like minutes.
When the world feels so tough right now, I'm choosing community and creativity as my outlet. I'm optimistic and hopeful. I'm driving for change. I'm rejecting what I don't believe in.
Much less stress here!
I don't normally write like this. I'm always conscious it comes off somewhat as bragging. It is not. This is a reminder for my future self.
2024 was the most anxiety inducing year of my life. I've spent the past 18 months rebuilding a broken business, with a broken (business) heart and (autistic) burnout.
I don't think any business is completely safe in the current state of the world, but I'm proud to have pushed through and to continue pushing towards something special and truly sustainable whilst also keeping a cadence of sharing community insights via Rosieland.
I'm as busy as ever. I don't think I'm quite out of burnout, there are days where my body just switches off. There are many things I am still not doing.
But I want to appreciate the good things in life, to hold onto that feel-good feeling after having such tough year.