Own the social content creation process rather than it owning you How I am writing short form and social content today
Competition isn't for everyone There's a pattern with some of my kids. Patterns are interesting, We should observe and pay attention to them. What is something that keeps reoccurring, and why? And then what can we do to make it work in a way that we feel is good, or better. One
Business validation and the flawed MVP mindset Why we need to stop over focusing on validating products
Precision. Focus. Care. Practice. I snapped this photo a few years ago. My girl was 3. She picked up an Underground ticket and a pair of scissors. She then proceeded to cut it. I was curious and watched from a distance. Her focus was intense. Within a space of about 30 seconds she was
Learning to read on the go One area I've always had room to improve upon is sitting down and doing reading and writing practice. It's probably the thing that gives me the most guilt around home education. On the reading side it's turned out fine for two of our kids
What's On Your Not To Do List? Most indiependents have a long to do list. But what's on your NOT to do list?
Appreciating the ask It's been a while since we've experienced the school system. We had a bit of a reminder of it when a couple of my kids went part-time to a Steiner school. They chose not to continue after a term. What I clearly remember from a parent&
Society doesn't prepare you this I feel like a nimwit. And a fool. Brainwashed, maybe? I'm not so sure, but it's an interesting thing to think about. Will humanity look back on this point in time and laugh at how stupid we all were? I didn't really think through
The art of satisfying everyone's needs This is where I often walk in circles with an audiobook while my kids play. Kids: in their happy place Me: my heart, body and mind are at peace What I do varies. Sometimes I'll sit and read. I also like to bring a jump rope if it&